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Road to World Water Forum 2024

News General News Indonesia Water Portal Monday, 20 February 2023 Board of Governors at the 10th World Water Forum Kick-off Meeting in Jakarta (15/02) (Photo by: The Water Agency).

Indonesia is ready to host the 2024 World Water Forum (WWF). The country held the Kick-off Meeting in Jakarta on 15-16 February 2023 and gathered more than 1.400 participants consisted of the board of governors, private and public sectors, universities, and young generations to solve water-related issues. The forum intends to result in a binding global commitment to take action to solve water issues and achieve SDG 6 targets, which is the right to clean water and sanitation.

The upcoming 2024 World Water Forum (WWF) with the theme “Water for Shared Prosperity” is expected to open up opportunities for cooperation in the field of water resources management as well as to bring economic impact for Indonesia. The government is targeting in person attendance of 17,000 participants and 30,000 visitors from 172 countries to the 10th WWF in Bali, 18-24May 2024.

In the opening ceremony, Indonesian Minister of Public Works and Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono, emphasized the urgency of taking immediate action to solve water challenges because the impacts are real. Moreover, the World Water Council President, Loïc Fauchon, said, “Let’s spare water to share the prosperity”. While it is not too late to act, we must act quickly. Water preservation should be our primary focus to provide clean water and sanitation.

Youth taking part in the World Water Forum to solve global water issues (16/2) (Photo by: The Water Agency).

The forum is a more than 2-year process of developing political commitments, thematic solutions, and regional responses. These three processes are closely interlinked based on the common condition that the water community is facing and shared vision and enablers. The kick-off meeting of 10th WWF consisted of many activities, one of the interesting one is the breakout session based on the thematic framework which are (1) Water for Humans and Nature; (2) Water Security and Prosperity; (3) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; (4) Cooperation and Hydro-diplomacy; (5) Water Innovative Finance; and (6) Knowledge and Innovation.

Apart from higher-level sessions, the Kick-off Meeting also gives a space for youth to advocate what they envision for the forum next year through a Youth Mobilization Meeting as a side event to the meeting. It shows that the young generation shall be active in the global conversation since they are future leaders.

Written by: The Water Agency/Elvira

Tags: World Water Forum 2024 Water Action World Water Day Water Issues World Water Council

Indonesia siap menjadi tuan rumah World Water Forum (WWF) 2024 dengan tema “Water for Shared Prosperity”. Pertemuan Kick-off diadakan pada tanggal 15-16 Februari 2023 di Jakarta, mengumpulkan lebih dari 1.400 peserta yang terdiri dari dewan gubernur, sektor swasta dan publik, universitas, dan generasi muda untuk menyelesaikan masalah terkait air. Forum ini bertujuan untuk mencapai komitmen global yang mengikat untuk mengambil tindakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah air dan mencapai target SDG 6, yaitu hak atas air bersih dan sanitasi.

Pertemuan Kick-off 10th WWF terdiri dari banyak kegiatan, salah satunya adalah sesi pecah kaca berdasarkan kerangka tematik yang meliputi (1) Air untuk Manusia dan Alam; (2) Keamanan dan Kemakmuran Air; (3) Pengurangan dan Manajemen Risiko Bencana; (4) Kerja Sama dan Hidro-Diplomasi; (5) Keuangan Inovatif Air; dan (6) Pengetahuan dan Inovasi. Selain sesi tingkat lebih tinggi, Pertemuan Kick-off juga memberikan ruang bagi generasi muda untuk memperjuangkan apa yang mereka visi untuk forum di tahun depan melalui Youth Mobilization Meeting sebagai acara sampingan untuk pertemuan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa generasi muda harus aktif dalam percakapan global karena mereka merupakan pemimpin masa depan.

Pemerintah Indonesia berharap ada kehadiran 17.000 peserta dan 30.000 pengunjung dari 172 negara ke 10th WWF di Bali pada 18-24 Mei 2024. Hal ini diharapkan membuka peluang kerja sama dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air serta memberikan dampak ekonomi bagi Indonesia. Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Indonesia, Basuki Hadimuljono, menekankan urgensi untuk segera mengambil tindakan untuk menyelesaikan tantangan air karena dampaknya nyata. Sementara itu, Presiden Dewan Air Dunia, Loïc Fauchon, mengatakan, “Mari hemat air untuk berbagi kemakmuran”. Meskipun tidak terlambat untuk bertindak, kita harus bertindak cepat. Preservasi air harus menjadi fokus utama kita untuk menyediakan air bersih dan sanitasi.

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